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My teachers

 2週間に1回、更新している弊所のウェブサイトのトピックスの記事の中の一つ、「先生のこと」を読んで、米国の弁護士、Hemant Keskar氏が、ご自身が人生において巡り会われた3人の偉大な先生について書かれた文章を、送ってきてくださいました。
My teachers
I was fortunate to have three great teachers in my life who taught me values beyond the subjects they taught.
First one was my elementary school teacher Mr. Chaudhary. We lived in a small village with no school. Mr. C taught at a school in a neighboring town. My father requested him to come to our house in the evenings and teach me. He used to ride his bicycle for a few kilometers to come and teach me. Every evening, he would arrive when I was watering our garden. He noticed that I became sad when he came, not because I didn’t want to study but because he interrupted my enjoyment of gardening. He quickly solved the problem. He used to take me to a nearby park and teach there. I enjoyed learning in the surroundings. He taught me that people are more receptive to learning in the surroundings they enjoy. I use that value today. Whenever I have something important to teach my daughter, I take her on a walk in the woods or to practice soccer, which she loves. I smoothly teach her things during the walks which she otherwise refuses to hear from me at home.
Second one was my high school math teacher Nana, which is a nickname used to address people with respect in India. One year, as the final exam was nearing, I went to him with a few math problems. He explained them but added, “You can’t learn in two weeks what you should have learned over the year,” meaning I should have studied hard throughout the year, not just at the last minute. He taught me to not procrastinate. I later used that value throughout law school. I use it every day at work by not waiting to file matters on the last day. My associates and clients appreciate it.
Third and most important was my father. He taught me many things through his conduct. He worked hard. So do I. He exercised every day. I love to exercise although I skip a day or two. Most importantly, he taught me honesty. I grew up in lower middle class. My father was a civil engineer building bridges and tunnels for the railways for a paltry salary. The government hired contractors to build, and father’s job was to ensure that they build according to the specification. The contractors loved bribing the officials so that they could profit by using cheap materials. All of my father’s superiors took bribes and harassed my father for not taking them and not allowing the contractors to use cheap materials. The contractors would come to our house with a brown-paper bag full of cash, often a lot more than my father’s annual salary. We would offer them tea and snacks. When leaving, they would conveniently leave the bag behind. My father used to hand the bag back to them and say, “you forgot this.” They kept trying, but failed each time. We could have lived in luxury if my father took that money. But he was a man of character. Today, my colleagues respect me because I am honest. My father also gave whatever little we could afford to the needy. I donate to charities each year and help people whenever I can.
Any teacher can teach the subject matter. Few teach values that make a lasting impact on your life and on the life of others through you.

